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Ask Family Vision Center of Crosby & Porter: Is refractive eye surgery for you?

If you are frustrated with glasses and/or contacts and would like to explore surgical options for vision correction that will meet your needs, the doctors of Family Vision Center will guide you through selecting a procedure. Our doctors will determine which procedure can reduce your refractive needs the most while maintaining the best clarity possible. Our doctors will also honestly and candidly make recommendations that fit your expectations so that you do not find yourself unsatisfied with your visual outcome. At Family Vision Center, you can rest assured that you will be educated on realistic outcomes and possible drawbacks. Your long-term satisfaction is our primary concern and we will keep that in mind while educating you on your options. Whenever possible, we will simulate your post-surgical vision so that you can make an informed decision for treatment.

Talk to us and know more about Refractive eye surgery and other solutions

While Refractive eye surgery is the best solution for many, other options can be recommended for those who aren’t good candidates for the procedure. At Family Vision Center, our extensive training allows us to effectively manage patients with a focus on the treatment of the eyes as they relate to the entire body. Call our Crosby office at (281) 870-4711 or our Porter office at (281) 870-4201, for more information.
Family Vision Center of Crosby and Porter can help you select the best refractive options for you

  • LASIK vision correction
  • PRK laser treatment
  • Visian ICL
  • Laser cataract surgery
  • Raindrop Corneal Inlay near-vision solution
  • ReSTOR Multifocal Intraocular cataract solution
  • Astigmatism correction for cataracts
  • Monofocal Lens Implant for Keratoconus
  • Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking & Intacts

Eye Surgery is often an excellent surgical option to correcting your vision and reducing your dependence on vision aids, such as glasses and contacts. This surgical option, however, isn’t for everyone – your general overall health, corneal thickness, and your specific eye conditions will all play into whether or not you’ll be a good candidate for the procedure.
To determine whether refractive eye surgery is the right solution for you, it’s best that you have yourself examined by a top-rated eye professional. Dedicated doctors such as those at the Family Vision Center of Crosby & Porter can help tell whether or not you’d make a good candidate for Refractive Eye Surgery.

Eye Surgery is often an excellent surgical option to correcting your vision and reducing your dependence on vision aids, such as glasses and contacts. This surgical option, however, isn’t for everyone – your general overall health, corneal thickness, and your specific eye conditions will all play into whether or not you’ll be a good candidate for the procedure.


To determine whether refractive eye surgery is the right solution for you, it’s best that you have yourself examined by a top-rated eye professional. Dedicated doctors such as those at the Family Vision Center of Crosby & Porter can help tell whether or not you’d make a good candidate for Refractive Eye Surgery.

Refractive Eye Surgery: The preconditions to be a good candidate

It’s important that you fully discuss your current health condition with your eye doctor before deciding to undergo refractive eye surgery. Generally, these are the preconditions to be a good candidate:
You must be at least 18
Refractive results are permanent; the procedure is not for anyone younger than 18 who could still be undergoing significant changes in vision.
You are not pregnant or nursing
Pregnancy can cause changes in hormone levels that can lead to temporary vision and eye conditions, so it’s best you wait till later. Medications for Refractive surgery could also be absorbed through your mucous membranes, and could potentially harm your fetus.
You should disclose your use of prescription drugs with your doctor
Some prescription drugs can impact on refractive results. They could delay healing or decrease best-corrected vision. Some medications can also cause dry eye which, in turn, could make you susceptible to corneal scarring. Your doctor first will know your best recourse.
Your vision must be stable
You are not a good Refractive candidate if your eye prescription fluctuates. Blood sugar fluctuations, wearing contacts, and aging can cause your prescription to change – since refractive is a permanent procedure, a stable prescription is essential before having Refractive eye surgery.
You are in good general health
Medical conditions, including many autoimmune conditions, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, glaucoma, or cataracts can negatively affect Refractive results. You should have had no eye infections or injuries within a year prior to undergoing Refractive , otherwise you risk corneal scarring.